An Appleton Archive

Kristen Doyle Highland’s article “In the Bookstore: The Houses of Appleton and Book Cultures in Antebellum New York City” combines archival scholarship with cutting-edge DH methods and a deep knowledge of New York City history. Dr. Highland’s article won the Graduate Essay Prize for the 2016 issue of BOOK HISTORY. She is a graduate of New York University and currently teaches Humanities in a Manhattan high school. She can be contacted at

By the mid-nineteenth century, D. Appleton & Co. was invested in marketing its monumental Broadway bookstore. From news media to the back covers of published books, Appleton’s publicized the store as a New York institution. But glimpses of the firm’s earlier, more modest stores are available in the archives of the city. This short slideshow tracks the firm’s stores as depicted in engravings, maps, and commercial publications from Daniel Appleton’s early 1820s store in Clinton Hall to the final destruction of the famous Broadway bookstore after Appletons’ continued its move uptown in the 1860s.

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Cite this article:
Kristen Doyle Highland, “An Appleton Archive,” Book History Unbound (2016),



