S. J. Perry. Chameleon Poet: R. S. Thomas and the Literary Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. x, 312p., ill….
Jesús A. Martínez Martín, ed. Historia de la edición en España 1939-1975
Jesús A. Martínez Martín (ed.). Historia de la edición en España 1939-1975. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2015. 997p., ill. ISBN 9788415963554….
Catherine Pickett. Bibliography of the East India Company: Books, Pamphlets and Other Material Printed Between 1600 and 1785
Catherine Pickett. Bibliography of the East India Company: Books, Pamphlets and Other Material Printed Between 1600 and 1785. London: The…
Kym Brindle. Epistolary Encounters in Neo-Victorian Fiction: Diaries and Letters
Kym Brindle. Epistolary Encounters in Neo-Victorian Fiction: Diaries and Letters. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. vii, 240p., ill. ISBN 9781137007155. ₤50…
Natasha Moore. Victorian Connections: The Literary and Artistic Circles of William and Helen Allingham from the Collections of Grolier Club Members
Natasha Moore. Victorian Connections: The Literary and Artistic Circles of William and Helen Allingham from the Collections of Grolier Club…