
Introduction: Book History in the Persianate World from the Samanid Dynasty to the Present Day
Esmail Yazdanpour [html / pdf]

Libraries and Librarianship in Iran During the Samanid Dynasty, 819-999 CE / 204-389 AH
Farahnaz Kohan [html / pdf]

The Art of Bookbinding in Fifteenth-Century Khorasan
Gholamreza Amirkhani [html / pdf]

The Development of Persian Libraries under Timurid Patronage
Hasan Behzadi and Iraj Radad [html / pdf]

The Transfer of Typographic Printing Technology to Iran in the Early Qajar Period (1782-1861)
Akbar Khoshzad and Gholam Hussein Moghaddam Heidari [html / pdf]

Translation Status, Actors and Dimensions in the Qajar Era (1789-1925)
Mohammad Amir Ahmadzadeh [html / pdf]

Romantic Novels in Daily Life: The Experience of Female Readers
Mohammad Reza Javadi Yeganeh and Asieh Arhami [html / pdf]

Festival of Reading Clubs for Children: New Adventures in Social Reading
Esmail Yazdanpour [html / pdf]

Editors’ Note

Guest editor: Esmail Yazdanpour

Esmail Yazdanpour is the guest editor of this issue of Lingua Franca, devoted to Persian-language book history scholarship on the Persianate world. A graduate of the universities of Kerman and Shiraz, Esmail is a Tehran-based independent researcher, writer and translator. An academic career at Iran’s Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and Institute for Social and Cultural Studies, studying knowledge production and dissemination in education settings, convinced him that reading is, in his own words, “the most radical social activity”. He left academia to become a reading advocate, working in a bookstore to foster intellectual dialogue and community. He regularly travels around Iran to talk to local reading activists and facilitators in his role as a social reading activist who sees books as a tool to promote knowledge sharing, rhizomatic cultural exchange, and dialogic learning. He also translated the articles for this issue.

The editorial team would like to thank him for his enthusiastic and thorough editorial work.

Cynthia Gabbay
Susan Pickford
Mariana Silveira