Have you been assigned a review to write for SHARP News, or are you interested in submitting to SHARP in the Classroom? Guidelines for both are below, as well as a list of current tags in use on the site. We also ask that you keep in mind our communication workflow timeline during the publication process. If you have questions that are not answered here, please contact the appropriate section editors.
In order to maintain a regular publication schedule, individual sections are published on the following cycles:
- Book Reviews: February, May, August, and November
- E-Resources and Exhibits: [on hiatus]
- Features and Bibliographies: March, June, September, and December
- SHARP in the Classroom: January and August
Before you engage with us on Twitter, please read about our Social Media Standards:
For reviews:
- Guidelines (revised May 2024)
- Books available for review
- Suggest a book for review
For SHARP in the Classroom:
- Guidelines (revised April 2024)
For SHARP Features:
SHARP News tags:
We use tags to organize the site across all categories of content. While editors are responsible for the final choice of tags, it is helpful if you can suggest the ones you think are most relevant. (Please note that we tried to simplify the tags with the new iteration of News, but not all posts before 2020 will be accurately tagged.)