Our annual bibliography for 2023 is live, featuring over 600 items! It is available for download in PDF and as a Zotero file.
Category: Bibliographies
Disability and Accessibility in Book Studies + Sonic, Electronic, and Digital Book History Bibliographies
This month we present you with two bibliographies: “Disability and Accessibility in Book Studies” and “Sonic, Electronic, and Digital Book History.” Compiled by Alex Wingate and Ellen Forget with contributions from Taylor Hare.
2022 Annual Bibliography
Our annual bibliography (over 800 items!) for 2022 is live! It is available for download in PDF and as a BibTex file.
Book History in South America: A Bibliography of Scholarship and Sources
We return to our regional bibliographies with a list of scholarship and sources on South America. Compiled collaboratively by Alexandra Wingate, Gloria Johana Morales Osorio, Gabriel AntĂșnez de Mayolo Kou, Alfredo Ruiz Chinchay, Maria Rita Viana, and William Weber Wanderlinde.
2020-2021 Bibliography: Dissertations and Theses
In addition to our annual bibliographies, SHARP News will now also publish an annual bibliography focused on dissertations and theses on books, authorship, reading, and publishing. The list is available for browsing and for download as a Zotero file and as PDF.