“What’s the use of an exhibition catalog,” Alice might well have said to herself, “if it doesn’t have beautiful pictures and brilliant essays?” This catalog of the McLoughlin Brothers’ more than sixty years of publishing children’s books, games, and toys surely would have delighted little Alice. The first third of the book consists of three well-written informative essays and the last two thirds make up the illustrated exhibition catalog itself. The items were drawn primarily from the holdings of the American Antiquarian Society with help from private collectors Linda F. and Julian L. Lapides, Richard Cheek, and the George M. Fox Collection at the San Francisco Public Library. ☛ ☞
Tag: children & YA
Sara L. Schwebel (ed.) and Scott O’Dell, Island of the Blue Dolphins: The Complete Readers Edition
It’s surprising that one of the most important children’s books of the twentieth century has only recently started receiving the critical attention it deserves. Sara L. Schwebel’s excellent Complete Readers Edition offers a significant contribution to a growing body of book histories about classic children’s literature texts and their impacts on generations of readers. Used by countless American K-12 schools and public libraries from the 1960s onward, O’Dell’s historical fiction robinsonade about the real-life Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, Juana Maria, has been seen as a critical multicultural, feminist young adult text despite some very real concerns about historical accuracy, vanishing Indian tropes, and racism. ☛ ☞
Beverly Lyon Clark. The Afterlife of Little Women
Beverly Lyon Clark. The Afterlife of “Little Women.” Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. x, 271p., ill. ISBN 9781421415581. US…
Frank Felsenstein and James J. Connolly. What Middletown Read: Print Culture in a Small American City
Frank Felsenstein and James J. Connolly. What Middletown Read: Print Culture in a Small American City. Boston: University of Massachusetts…
Helen A. Fairlie, Revaluing British Boys’ Story Papers, 1918-1939
Helen A. Fairlie, Revaluing British Boys’ Story Papers, 1918-1939. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. x, 214 p. ill. ISBN 9781137293053. £50.00…