ALT-Text Guide in the Works!

With the help of SHARP member Ellen Forget, SHARP News is putting together an alt text guide for book historians. We are looking for:

  • scans of books from different periods, interior pages and exterior covers
  • people using scanners or other tools on/around books
  • people examining books
  • library shelves
  • in-person and virtual conference pictures of people presenting (a variety of slide types, with the people presenting and without)
  • data visualizations about books (graphs, charts, etc.)
  • ebook screenshots, social media posts/screenshots, and other digital materials for folks working on contemporary materials (this goes for digital humanities projects about books as well – OCR screenshots, website screenshots, anything a book historian might show or use in a presentation or class)
  • anything else bookish you can find or think of

Please include, alongside the image:

  • confirmation of copyright ownership of the image (or creative commons license) and permission to use the image for the SHARP News website
  • names of people in the photos, if possible (not vital, but good to have)
  • brief description or keywords of what the image is of
  • date of the photo or which conference it’s from, if applicable (not vital, but good to have)
  • any other information about the photo or objects/people in the photos that the person sending it thinks might be useful

If you have an image you’d like to contribute, please send it to Ellen at

ellen[dot]michelle[at]mail[dot]utoronto[dot]ca (replacing the relevant punctuation) by 1 November.