2010-2019 Bibliography: Dissertations and Theses

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Acker, Faith D. “’New-Found Methods and … Compounds Strange:’ Reading the 1640 ‘Poems: Written by Wil Shake-Speare. Gent.’” PhD diss., University of St. Andrews, 2012.

Addison, David. “One County, Two Libraries: Watsonville and the Organization of the Santa Cruz County Library System, 1900-1930.” Master’s thesis, San Jose State University, 2016.

Ahearn, Bridget. “Marketing Books to Teens: An Analysis of Successes and Failures.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2010.

Aiello, Francesca. “La Biblioteca dei benedettini di san Nicolò l’Arena a Catania: dalle carte d’archivio alla collezione libraria.” PhD diss., Università di Catania, 2019.

Ainsworth, Breeman Neal. “Nation and Compilation in England, 1270-1500.” PhD diss., University of Oklahoma, 2016.

Aisyah Adnan. “Perbandingan tahap kebolehbacaan bahan bacaan pilihan murid dan guru.” PhD diss,, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 2015.

Albright, Brad. “Texan Gothic.” MFA thesis, University of Hartford, 2013.

Alequin, Emily. “# (Hashtag) Publishing: How Social Media Stars Have Become Some of Publishing’s Biggest Sources of Original Material for Books.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2016.

Ali, Deena. “Bridging the Gap: The Creation of the New Adult Category and Its Impact on Young Adult Books.” Master’s thesis, Pace University 2016.

AL-Salmi, Jamal Mattar. “Electronic Theses and Dissertations Programmes in the Arab Gulf States: Exploring Factors Affecting Their Adoption and Development.” PhD diss., Victoria University of Wellington, 2014.

Anderson, Laura M. “Book Selection for Good Fit Books.” Master’s thesis, Concordia University, 2010.

Anderson, Michael Kenneth. “The Tempest.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2015.  

Horch, Andre. “Buchwidmungen der Frühen Neuzeit als Quellen der Stadt-, Sozial- und Druckgeschichte: kritische Analyse der Dedikationen in volkssprachlichen Mainzer Drucken des 16. Jahrhunderts, unter Verwendung statistischer, netzwerkanalytischer und textinterpretatorischer Methoden.” Thesis, Universität Mainz, 2014.

Anstee, Cameron Alistair Owen. “Make Contact: Contributive Bookselling and the Small Press in Canada Following the Second World War.” PhD thesis, University of Ottawa, 2017.

Anthony, Joya. “The Challenge of E-Book Growth in International Markets.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2013.

Arnold, Whitney Lauren. “Literary Celebrity and the Autobiographical Self in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century Britain and France.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2011.

Baig, Muzammil M. “Development of Data Anonymity Techniques for Multiple Independent Data Publishing.” PhD diss., University of South Australia, 2013.

Baker, Rebecca. “La literatura chicana para niñas o niños y adolescentes contempóranea: hacia la creación de una sociedad democrática y pluralista via la ciudadanía.” Master’s thesis, Arizona State University, 2010.

Balkovek, James Shane. “A Tale of Two Books.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Balsawer, Veena. “’Once upon a Story’: Entering into the World of Stories to Exp-Lore the Imaginary and (Re)Living-through Experiences of Children.” Master’s thesis, University of Ottawa, 2010.

Bankes, Sophie. “James Lackington (1746-1815) and Reading in the Late Eighteenth Century.” PhD diss., Open University, 2013.

Barclay, Megan. “Digital Initiatives of Major Textbook Publishers and Open Source Textbooks.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2012.

Barends, Mary Lynne. “A Case Study of Interactive Digital Publishing for IPad: A Journey at the NASA Johnson Space Center.” Master’s thesis, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2013.

Barlow, Jan M. “From Here to Eternity.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2015.

Barnes, Sean. “Reimaging the Artist Book for the Mobile Age.” Master’s thesis, Texas State University–San Marcos 2014.

Barnsley, Connor Reny. “Acquiring Knowledge: Bloomsbury’s Foray into the Academic and Online Markets.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2012.

Bauer, Elizabeth A. “An Artistic Journey with Carl Jung’s The Red Book.” Master’s thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2014.

Bauer, Kathryn. “A Return to the Authentic: The Changing Book Industry & Millennial Detachment.” Honors thesis, Assumption College, 2017.

Baumgartner, Jana. “Medienkultur und Unternehmenskultur im deutschsprachigen Publikumsverlag: organistationale Veränderungsfähigkeit im Kontext der Digitalisierung.” PhD diss., Universität St. Gallen, 2016.

Beckham, Zoe. “Pop Culture Phenomenon: Why the Harry Potter and Twilight Series Resonate with Readers.” Bachelor’s thesis, University of Southern Mississippi, 2010.

Behrens, Jörg. “Book on Demand: Auswirkungen auf den deutschen Buchmarkt.” PhD diss., Universität Erfurt, 2017.

Belk, Patrick Scott. “Empires of Print: Adventure Fiction in the Magazines, 1899-1919.” PhD diss., University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2017.

Bentley, Coleman. “A Model for Print Relevancy amidst Digital Publishing Revolution.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2012.

Berissi, Marianne. “Littérature sans mémoire: lectures d’enfance de Michel Leiris.” PhD diss., Universit́e Aix-Marseille, 2012.

Berman, Lauren. “Opening the Door to Darkness: An Exploration of Evil in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series.” PhD diss., University of Haifa, 2010.

Bernberg, Annie. “Mass Market Paperbacks and the E-Books: From Disruption to Evolution.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2019.

Betts, Ky C. “This Is Where I Am Supposed to Be.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2014.

Birke, Dorothee. “Writing the Reader: Configurations of a Cultural Practice in the English Novel.” PhD diss., Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 2014.

Bissessar, Aaron. “A Venture into Illustration.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2019.

Björk, Lars. “How Reproductive Is a Reproduction?: Digital Transmission of Text-Based Documents.” PhD diss., University of Borås, 2015.

Blum, Barak. “The Poetics of Libraries and Book Collections in Horace.” PhD diss., University of Oxford. 2018.

Bodemer, Saskia. “Bestsellermarketing: Erfolgsfaktoren auf dem literarischen Markt der Gegenwart: Sûskind – Schlink – Kehlmann.” PhD diss., King’s College London, 2014.

Bollen, Magelone. “’Urtheil und ein schönes Lied:’ Das Armesünderblatt (1750-1820) in der Sammlung ‘German Criminology Collection’ der Michigan State University.” PhD diss., Michigan State University, 2013.

Boodle, Kathryn. “Schau Mich an! [Look at Me!]: An (Im)Movable Storybook by Lothar Meggendorfer.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

Borja González, Galaxis. “Jesuitische Berichterstattung über die Neue Welt: Zur Veröffentlichungs-, Verbreitungs-, und Rezeptionsgeschichte jesuitischer Americana auf dem deutschen Buchmarkt im Zeitalter der Aufklrung.” PhD diss., Hamburg, Univ., 2011.

Bowen, Courtney L. “Scholarly Sleuths: Women Detectives and the Bibliomystery.” Master’s thesis, Dartmouth College, 2010.

Bowes, Brian. “Illustrated Stories.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2016.

Bozarth, Mollie. “Telling the Story between the Lines.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Bramwell, Peter. “Aspects of Contemporary Paganism in Modern Children’s Fiction.” PhD diss., Open University, 2011.

Brebner, Melanie. “The Censorship of Books in New Zealand.” Bachelor’s thesis, University of Auckland, 2017.

Brocato, Linde M. “Publishing, Typography and Politics: Mena’s Works and the Parallel Editions of Antwerp, 1552.” Certificate of Advanced Study thesis, University of Illinois, 2011.  

Brooker, Thomas Kimball. “Upright Works: The Emergence of the Vertical Library in the Sixteenth Century.” PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2012.

Brownlee, Erin M. “Fighting for Hope: The Chronicles of Narnia and the Harry Potter Series as Transformative Works for Child Readers Traumatized by War.” Master’s thesis, Texas State University-San Marcos, 2013.

Buitendach, Samantha Angelique. “Selling Translation Rights in Trade Publishing: Case Studies of Dutch Translations of Afrikaans Fiction in the Netherlands and Belgium.” Master’s thesis, University of Pretoria, 2017.

Büker, Elisabeth. “Skandinavische Bestseller auf dem deutschen Buchmarkt: Analyse des gegenwärtigen Literaturbooms.” PhD diss., Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2018.

Bulling, W. L. “The Rise and Fall of Common Law Copyright.” LLB thesis, University of Auckland 2011.

Bulsiewicz, Michael J. “An Exploration of the Environmental Brand Experience (EBE) as Applied to the Digital Publishing Model.” Master’s thesis, Texas State University-San Marcos, 2013.

Bunte, Iris. “Bildung, Bekenntnis und Prestige Studien zum Buchbesitz einer sozial mobilen Bevölkerungsschicht im ‘katholischen Teutschland’ der Frühen Neuzeit: die Bibliotheken der Werler Erbsälzer.” PhD diss., Universität Siegen, 2013.

Burke, Jim. “Depicting Samurai: Components and Influence of Japanese Woodcuts in Western Illustration and Painting.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Burke, Michael. “Literary Reading, Cognition and Emotion: An Exploration of the Oceanic Mind.” PhD diss., University of Amsterdam, 2011.

Buttigieg, Olga. “Recognising the Spirituality of the Golliwogg: An Analysis of Upton’s Golliwogg Picture Books.” PhD diss., Australian Catholic University 2014.

Caggiano, Nicole. “The Pros and Cons of Digital Textbook Publishing for Educators and Students.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2013.

Cai, Xiaoping. “Conservation of Three Vellum Bindings Over-Boards from Lambeth Palace Library.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

Caillé, Alice, and Rose Adler. “Les reliures et embôtages de Rose Adler, 1922-1959.” Master’s thesis, École Pratique des Hautes Études, 2013.

Calandra, Anthony. “An Exploration of Children’s Book Illustration.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2013.

Campagnolo, Alberto. “Transforming Structured Descriptions to Visual Representations: An Automated Visualization of Historical Bookbinding Structures.” PhD diss., University of the Arts, 2015.

Campbell, Joseph. “The Order and the Other: Power and Subjectivity in Young Adult Science Fiction and Dystopian Literature for Adolescents.” PhD diss., Illinois State University, 2010.

Cantatore, Francina Carolina. “Negotiating a Changing Landscape: Authors, Copyright and the Digital Revolution.” PhD diss., Bond University, 2011.

Carrigy, Daniel. “Gender, Gentry, Petticoats, and Propriety: Addison and Steele’s Construction of the Implied Female Reader in The Spectator.” Master’s thesis, Macquarie University, 2016.

Carter, Janice. “Branding as an Effective Selling Technique for Educational Publishers in This Digital Age.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2016.

Cashman, Victoria. “Let’s Get Social: An Analysis of the Social Media Presences of Neil Gaiman, Debbie Macomber, and James Patterson.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2016.

Castillo, Angela Michelle. “Public Library Services in Sunland-Tujunga: Establishment, Evolution, and Early Leaders, 1913-1952.” Master’s thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 2011.

Castner, Jonathan. “Digital Lifeline: How Magazines Must Embrace the Digital Transition.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Chambers, Helen Margaret. “Books Are an Integral Part of One’s Life: An Evidence-Based Investigation of Joseph Conrad’s Reading.” PhD diss., Open University, 2014.

Chan, David Shiu Siu. “Tian dao ‘tu shu guan’ de min zu zhi yan jiu : nian yi shi ji dian zi shi dai shi feng de ge an. [An ethnography of the elibrary of Tien Dao: a case study of contemporary digital ministry in the 21st century]. PhD. diss., Logos Evangelical Seminary, 2015.

Chan, Eleanor. “’The Eye of Man Hath Not Heard, the Ear of Man Hath Not Seen, Man’s Hand Is Not Able to Taste, His Tongue to Conceive, nor His Heart to Report What My Dream Was’: Florentius Schuyl and Illustrating Descartes’ Treatise on Man.” Master’s thesis, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2013.

Chan, Wing Yan. “Building a Brand Portfolio: An Analysis on Brand Extensions by the Tribute Entertainment Media Group.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2011.

Chandler, Timothy. “Reading Atmospheres: Ecological Aesthetics and Virgil’s Eclogues.” Master’s thesis, Monash University, 2010.

Chang, Junpeng. “Impact of Advertising Personalization in Tablet Versions of Magazines.” Master’s thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2014.

Chanza, Jasmine C. “Ebooks vs Print Books: Which Format Best Fulfills Reader’s Needs?” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2015.

Chiu, Cinyee. “The Stone of Youth.” Master’s thesis, Maryland Institute College of Art–Baltimore, 2016.

Choi, Min Suk. “The Influence of Japonisme on European & American Illustrations.” Master’s thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, 2012.

Chung, Philip Tiet Hue. “Overcoming Technical Challenges in Developing a Global Free-Access Legal Information System for Research: The WorldLII Experience.” Master’s thesis, University of New South Wales, 2013.

Citarella, Robin M. Mako. “Reconciling Female Conflict: The Portrayal of Women Readers in Victorian England from 1850-1890.” PhD diss., Drew University, 2011.

Clark, Shaniqua. “In the Ring: Self-Published Authors and Traditional Publishers.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2014.

Clausen, Katherine. “Illustration As Delusion: Michael Camille’s Simulacral Art History and Aubrey Beardsley’s Salome Compositions.” Master’s thesis, University of Oxford 2013.

Clotter, Maria Milagros. “Big Data in Digital Media Buying: Programmatic Advertising Sales – Transforming the Publishers’ Eco-System.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2015.

Cochefski, Shayna. “Exploring Personalities.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2014.

Cole, Jonathan. “The Effects of E-Books on Book Retailers and Publishers.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2014.

Concepción Moreda, Nayda Ivette. “El uso de la lectoescritura como instrumento de trabajo en el salón de clase para la enseñanza de leer, comprender y redactar en el nivel elemental tercero a sexto grado.” Master’s thesis, Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, 2010.

Cortés Ortiz, Angélica. “Lectura en papel y lectura digital: un estudio sobre comprensión, hábitos, preferencias y prácticas de lectura en estudiantes graduados de educación.” Master’s thesis, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2018.

Craig, Michelle. “The Distribution of the Classics in the Incunabula Period.” Master’s thesis, University of Glasgow, 2017.

Crouch, Dorothy. “Threats to Magazine Ethics Grow with Advancements in Digital Media.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Crowton, Melissa. “In(Process).” Master’s thesis. Maryland Institute College of Art–Baltimore, 2016.

Cruz Rodríguez, Astrid H. “La publicación de autor de ficción en la era digital: análisis de cuatro plataformas de publicación de libros en la web y su transformación de la publicación de libros tradicional.” Master’s thesis, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2017.

D’Ambrosio, Rebecca. “Bogey Beasts: Conservation of an Early 20th Century Sketchbook.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

D’Oro, Miri. “Multimedia in Multimedia: The Fusion of Technology and Traditional Methods in Collage Illustration.” Master’s thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, 2013.

Dad, Aisha. “Farid Ud-Din Attar’s and John Milton’s Poetic Expression of the Sublime through the Creation of the Reader’s Presence in The Conference of the Birds and Paradise Lost. Honors thesis, Wellesley College, 2011.

Dann, Claire. “Fiction with Pictures: India Illustrated for Children at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.” Master’s thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.

Dannecker, Wiebke. “Literarische Texte reflektieren und bewerten: zwischen theoretischer Modellierung und empirischer Rekonstruktion am Beispiel einer empirischen Untersuchung mit Schülerinnen und Schülern der Sekundarstufe II.” Ph.D. diss., Universität Hannover, 2010.

Davenport, Kay. “The Bar Books Manuscripts Illuminated for Renaud de Bar, Bishop of Metz (1303-1316).” PhD diss., Courtauld Institute, London University, 2017.

Davis, David Jonathan. “Seeing Faith, Printing Pictures: Religious Identity during the English Reformation.” PhD diss., University of Exeter, 2012.

De Klerk, Danie. “Magic as Moral Education: J. K. Rowling’s Revival of Reading and Its Role in Adolescent Personal Development.” Master’s thesis, University of the Free State, 2011.

Dean, Barb A. “Before and after: Spirit in the Act of Reading: An Exploration of John Green’s Looking for Alaska.” Master’s thesis, University of Northern British Columbia, 2012.

Della Rocca de Candal, Geri. “Bibliographia Historica Byzantina : A Historical and Bibliographical Description of the Early Editions of the Corpus Historiæ Byzantinæ (1556-1645).” PhD diss., University of Oxford, 2016.

Dezelak, Anja. “Oblikovanje in izdelava osebnega rokovnika.” Master’s thesis, University of Ljubljani, 2018.

Dhillon, Jasdip Singh. “Minimal Alteration: Conservation of a Late 16th Century Indo-Persian Manuscript.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

Diaz, Jacqueline. “The Digitization of Academic Publishing and the Rise of Textbook Online Retailers.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2017.

Dupin, Meije. “Le phénomène Harry Potter en librairie: les éventuelles conséquences sur les ventes d’un tel phénomène.” Master’s thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018.

Dvira (Rozenbaum), Rivka. “L’éthique du discours dans Wikipédia: la question de la neutralité dans une encyclopédie participative.” Master’s thesis, Bar-Ilan University, 2014.

Dykes, John S. “An Artistic Exploration: New Work for an Editorial Illustration Portfolio.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2013.

Ebersole Pasquanelle, Kenya. “Digital Publishing: Education Will Never Be the Same.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Edge, Katelin D. “Author-Fan Interactions: Community Participation in Creative Works.” Master’s thesis, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2013.

Edsall, Victoria. “Trade Book Publishing: An Industry in Transition.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2013.

Ehrenreich, Tanja. “Seattle Public Library: Speicherraume des Wissens. Zeitgenossischer Bibliotheksbau.” Master’s thesis, Universität Wien, 2015.

Eifler, Matthias. “Die Bibliothek des Erfurter Petersklosters im späten Mittelalter: Buchkultur und Literaturrezeption im Kontext der Bursfelder Klosterreform.” PhD diss. Universität, Jena, 2014.

Elie-Pierre, Amber. “Book Marketing and Social Media: An Analysis of How Trade Publishers Are Using Social Media and Networking Platforms to Market Books.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2017.

Ellis, Cavine Sudean. “Preserving a Country’s Heritage through Legal Deposit: A Case Study of the Practices and Issues of the National Library of Jamaica.” Master’s thesis, University of the West Indies, 2013.

Ellis, Jordan. “A Comparative Study of the Magazine Industry: The Impact Digital Publishing Has Had and Is Having on the Industry.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

England, Hannah Marie. “Random Connections : Making Art by Building Bridges.” Bachelor’s thesis, James Madison University, 2012.

Epstein, Lourdes. “La lectura de ficción como experiencia de capital social.” PhD diss., Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México, 2013.

Estrada Valadez, Tania. “Conservation of an 18th Century Print Book Containing Flap Plates.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

Fahy, Courtney. “The Technological Age of Self-Publishing and Its Effect on Traditional Publishing.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2015.

Feria Wirba Singeh. “The Application of UTAUT Model to Understand Malaysian Authors Readiness to Self-Archive in Open Access Repositories.” Master’s thesis, Universiti Malaya, 2011.

Finch, Mary Lee. “Pulped Shakespeare: The Be(Ginn)Ing of Paperback Shakespeare in America.” Master’s thesis, Mary Baldwin University, 2017.

Fischer, Chaya. “Word-clerks or Word Artists?: The Production and (Self- )destruction of Compulsive Autotelic Characters.” Master’s thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012.

Fitzgerald, Britney. “The IPad: Savior or Destroyer of Magazines?” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Fjellanger, Stuart M. “Tradigitial: Merging Old and New.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Flores Hernández, Yohana Yessica. “Estudio, catalogación y digitalización de las encuadernaciones artísticas de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.” Master’s thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016.

Foley, Samuel. “Conservation of The Academy of Armory: An Incomplete Printed Text in a Late Seventeenth Century Full Leather Binding.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

Fong, Simon. “The Future of Magazines in the Digital Age.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Fontana, Emanuele. “Frati, libri e insegnamento nella provincia minoritica di S. Antonio, secoli XIII-XIV.” PhD diss., Padova, Università degli studi, Centro Studi Antoniani, 2012.

Forney, Jordan. “How Trade Book Marketing Is Evolving in the Digital Age.” Master’s thesis, Pace University,2016.

Fraire, Gabrielle A. “The Littlest Longhorn.” Master’s thesis, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2015.

Fraser, Kathleen Claire Lund. “The Digital Scriptorium: Agile Methodologies and the Small Trade Publisher.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2011.

Gabrielsson, Sheri. “Illustrating the Implied Narrative: The Individuation of Orientalism in H. C. Anderson’s Nattergalen.” Master’s thesis, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2011.

Gagliardi, Magge. “The Amazing Imaginary Adventures of Skippy & Lou.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Gaigher, Susan. “Digital Publishing in the South African Trade Sub-Sector: Lessons to Learn from Disruptive Technology.” Master’s thesis, University of Pretoria, 2012.

Gallagher, Daniel Patrick. “The Look of Fiction: A Visual Analysis of the Front Covers of the New York Times Fiction Bestsellers.” Master’s thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2015.  

Gavin, Michael. “Print and the Cultures of Criticism.” PhD diss., Rutgers University, 2010.

Gehrmann, Daniel. “Generation Offprint?: was 20- bis 29-Jährige (nicht) lesen: eine Readerscan-Studie anhand von drei Regionalzeitungstiteln 2009.” Master’s thesis, TU Dortmund, 2012.

Gerhart, Suzy. “Spot’s Soup.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Ghassemlou, Max H. “Electronic Books (E-Books) Relating to Globalization and Technological Trends.” Master’s thesis, National University, San Diego, 2013.

Gibbons, Rebecca Carey.” The Limits of the Body in Victorian Illustration : Arthur Hughes and Frederick Sandys.” PhD diss., University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2016.

Giulianotti, Chiara. “The Book Should Be Wind: Arienti, Pujol, Epaminonda and Cramer and the Issue of the Library.” Bachelor’s thesis, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2014.

Gleim, Quintin. “Finding Tetra.” Master’s thesis, Columbus College of Art & Design, 2019.

Goldschmidt, Michal. “’Matter of Fact and Thorough’: Victorian Scientific Ideals in Beatrix Potter’s Children’s Book Illustrations.” Master’s thesis, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2014.

González Hernández, Jessica S. “Tabú y censura en la literatura infantil: una mirada a los temas controversibles.” Master’s thesis, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2010.

Gonzalez Marinas, Maria Elena. “’Crises’ in Scholarly Communications: Insights from Forty Years of the Journal of Library History, 1966-2005.” PhD diss., 2014.  

Goodvin, Renée. “Reading Libraries: The Impact of Eighteenth-Century Bibliomania on Jane Austen’s Writings.” PhD diss., Sul Ross State University, 2011.  

Gordon, Adam Saul. “Cultures of Criticism in Antebellum America.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2011.

Götselius, Thomas. “Själens medium: skrift och subjekt i Nordeuropa omkring 1500.” PhD diss., Stockholm Univ., 2010.

Gottardo, Ketty. “The Barberini and Their Use of the Printed Image.” PhD diss., University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2012.

Graheli, Shanti. “The Circulation and Collection of Italian Printed Books in Sixteenth-Century France.” PhD diss., University of St Andrews, 2015.

Granuzzo, Elena. “I libri di Tommaso Temanza cultura di un architetto veneziano del Settecento.” PhD diss., Università di Padova, 2012.

Greenblatt, Jordana M. “Words like That: Reading, Writing, and Sadomasochism.” PhD diss., York University 2010.

Greene, Ree Nae. “The Influence of Reading Fiction on Adolescent Females.” Master’s thesis, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse, 2010.

Grist, Hailey Siobhan. “Child Mothers in Children’s Literature: Victorian Gender Negotiations in Burnett’s Girlhood Fiction.” Master’s thesis, Boise State University, 2010.

Grominsky, Tamara Ann. “Content Re-Creation: Repurposing Magazine Content for the Web.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2011.

Grover, Alex. “E-Books as Non-Interactive Textual Compositions: An Argument for Simplicity over Complexity in Future E-Books Formats.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2015.

Hagström Molin, Emma. “Krigsbytets biografi : byten i Riksarkivet, Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och Skoklosters slott under 1600-talet.” PhD diss., Stockholms Universitet, 2015.

Halpape, Jan Hendrik. “Finding Friends for the Tyee: A Plan for a Reader-Supported Journalism Program.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2011.

Hand, Shane. “Transmitting Whiteness: Librarians, Children, and Race, 1900-1930s.” Master’s thesis, University of Southern Mississippi, 2011.

Hanjian, Cassandra. “A Comparative Study of the Niche Theory and the Blockbuster Theory: Case Studies of Large Publishing Houses and Independent Presses to Observe Acquisition Trends in Trade Book Publishing.” Master’s thesis, Pace University 2011.

Hansson, John-Erik. “To Teach Every Principle of the Infidels and Republicans?: William Godwin through His Children’s Books.” PhD diss., European University Institute, 2018.

Hartigan, Caitlin Carol. “Image, Manuscript, Print: Le Roman de La Rose, ca. 1481-1538.” PhD diss., University of Oxford, 2013.

Harwood, Leslie. “William Morris’ Earthly Paradise: Precursor to the Private Press Movement.” Master’s thesis, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, 2012.

Hauck, Tiffany. “The I’s Have It: The Success and Failure of First-Person Narration in Young Adult Literature and Film Adaptation.” Honor’s thesis, University of Texas at Arlington, 2010.

Hausmann, Jutta. “Liricografia: Werkillustration in der ‘generacion del 27.’” PhD diss., Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, 2017.

Hayes, Colette. “’The Building Simply Bodies Forth a Thought’: American Women Poets and Libraries.” Master’s thesis, San Francisco State University 2011.

Hazell, Samantha A. “Romance Novels in the Digital Age.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Hedley, Susan. “Early Emergent Reader Book Series.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Henrich, Sarah. “Branding vs. Profit: How Digital Strategies Earn a Living in Today’s Magazine Publishing Industry.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Henss, Christina. “Fremde Räume, Religionen und Rituale in Mandevilles Reisen: Wahrnehmung und Darstellung religiöser und kultureller Alterität in den deutschsprachigen Übersetzungen. PhD diss., Universität Zürich, 2014.

Herath, Channa. “How Do We Read Online: The Effect of the Internet on Reading Behaviour.” Master’s thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2010.

Herzog, Erin M. “When Words Fail.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Hicks, Carrie Rosson. “The Young Adult Addiction Novel: A Modern Tragedy.” Master’s thesis, Longwood University, 2010.

Higgins, Benjamin David Robert. “We Have a Constant Will to Publish: The Publishers of Shakespeare’s First Folio.” PhD diss., University of Oxford 2015.

Hildebrandt, Lowell Isaac. “I Am Not a Genius.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2015.

Hilderman, Kristen. “Life after Print: Revising the Digital Editorial Strategy in Magazine Publishing.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2011.

Hiller, Simon. “Buchhandelsstrategien im digitalen Markt Reaktionen der grossen Buchhandelsketten auf technologische Neuerungen.” PhD diss., Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2015.

Hjaltalín, Torfi K. Stefánsson. “’Elska guõ og biõja’: guræknibókmenntir á Íslandi á lærdómsõld. PhD diss., University of Iceland, 2016.

Ho, Catherine. “Bloom: A Process Book.” Master’s thesis, Maryland Institute College of Art–Baltimore, 2015.

Hodes, Nathaniel. “The Muses’ Method: Logic and the Moral Function of English Renaissance Poetry.” PhD diss., Brandeis University, 2014.

Hodges, Amy Michelle. “Performing Literacy: How Women Read the World in the Late Eighteenth-Century British Novel.” PhD diss., University of Arkansas, 2012.

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Holland, Myla. “Gabby the Bulldog.” Master’s thesis, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2014.

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Hooper, Kathleen R. “Designing Democracy Re-Education and the America Houses (1945 – 1961): The American Information Centers and Their Involvement in Democratic Re-Education in Western Germany and West Berlin from 1945 to 1961.” PhD diss., Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2013.

Horton, Audrey Annalisa. “Aldus Manutius in the History of Printing: An Undervalued yet Enduring Market.” Master’s thesis, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, New York, 2013.

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Hutchinson, Sarah Sobczak. “Contemporary Historical Fiction: Supplemental Texts, Narrative Strategies, and Readers’ Expectations.” Master’s thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2011.

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Inglesby, Roisin. “’A Monumental Pillar Wherein You Will See Your Ancestors’: The Rhetoric of Word and Image in Sir William Dugdale’s The Antiquities of Warwickshire Illustrated.” Master’s thesis, Bard Graduate Center, 2011.

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Jensen, Helle Strandgaard. “Defining the (In)appropriate: Scandinavian Debates about the Role of Media in Children’s Lives, 1950-1985.” PhD diss., European University Institute, 2013.

Johnson, Lotte. “Polyphonic Punctuation: The Voices of Pierre Reverdy and Pablo Picasso in Dialogue in ‘Le Chant Des Morts’ (1948). Master’s thesis, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2011.

Jones, Aimee Kristine. “Evaluation of Digitization Technologies for Natural History Collections: A Case Study on Herbarium Specimen Digitization.” Master’s thesis, University of Oklahoma, 2013.

Jones, Carolyn Jean. “’It Isn’t Really about the Book’: Exploring the Significance of Membership in Three South Australian Female-Only Book Discussion Groups.” PhD diss., University of South Australia, 2012.

Jones, Megan. “The Book of Hairs: Documentation of the Thesis George and the Tiger.” Master’s thesis, Maryland Institute College of Art–Baltimore, 2015.

Jütte, Bernd Justin. “Reconstructing European Copyright Law for the Digital Single Market: Between Old Paradigms and Digital Challenges.” PhD diss., University of Luxembourg, 2016.

Kamhieh, Celine. “The Leisure Reading Habits of First-Year, Female Emirati University Students: An Investigation.” PhD diss., Canterbury Christ Church University, 2012.

Kaua, Serena. “How Books Are Marketed, What a Packaged Publisher Is, and How They Affect the Market.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2018.

Kaufmann, Eva. “Die Lesekrise zu Beginn der Pubertät: Ursachen der Lesekrise und ihre Manifestationen bei Jugendlichen mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache.” PhD diss., Universität, Graz, 2015.

Kavishe, George Firmin. “Management of Electronic Information Resources (EIRs) to Enhance Their Long-Term Links Preservation and Access in the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Pietermaritzburg (PMB) and Howard College Campus Libraries.” Master’s thesis, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Keeys, Mia R. “Imagination, Interrupted: The Black Child’s Public Sphere & Critical Race (Literary) Spaces.” Master’s thesis, Vanderbilt University, 2015.

Kemp, Elizabeth Anne. “The Raincoast ECatalogue: The Creation of an Electronic Catalogue as a Supplemental Selling Tool for Sales Representatives.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2011.

Keuschnigg, Marc. “Das Bestseller-Phänomen: die Entstehung von Nachfragekonzentration im Buchmarkt.” PhD diss., Universität München, 2011.

Khalili, Leila. “An Investigation of Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Open Access Publishing among Medical Researchers in Iran.” PhD diss., Universiti Malaya, 2012.

Khristova, Malvina Ally. “The Book Publishing Transformation in the Digital Age.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2013.

Kilgore, Rachel Lynn. “The Reader Co-Author: Jane Austen’s Ethics of Reading.” Master’s thesis, University of Dallas, 2011.

King, Sasha. “The New Tools of Publishing: Magazine Marketers Digital Media Strategy.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Kingery, Luke E. “Five People Like This: How Writers Perceive and Interact with Their Facebook Audience.” Master’s thesis, Eastern Illinois University, 2012.

Klassen-Dueck, Pam. “Books on the Border Land: A Mennonite Woman’s Memoir of Reading and Remembering the Sacred.” Master’s thesis, Brock University, 2010.

Kloepfer, William Steven. “Steampunk Macbeth.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2013.

Knip-Häggqvist, Elizabet. “Den talande bokens poetik: en studie med fokus på olika unga vuxnas reception av tre fiktiva texter inlästa på band.” PhD diss., Åbo Akademi, 2010.

Knopf, Heather Devlin. “Gladys.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Knowlton, Steven A. “Memphis Public Library Service to African Americans, 1903-1961: A History of Its Inauguration, Progress and Desegregation.” Master’s thesis, University of Memphis, 2015.

Kopp, Vanina. “Der König und die Bücher Sammlung, Nutzung und Funktion der königlichen Bibliothek am spätmittelalterlichen Hof in Frankreich.” PhD diss., Universität Bielefeld und École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 2013.

Kopp, Vanina. “Der König und die Bücher: Sammlung, Nutzung und Funktion der königlichen Bibliothek am spätmittelalterlichen Hof in Frankreich.” PhD diss., Universität Bielefeld, 2013.

Kornacki, Christine. “Finding Magic.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2016.

Kraus, Amber. “Reading through the Eyes of Latino High School Students: A Descriptive Study.” Master’s thesis, Concordia College (Moorhead, Minn.), 2012.

Kreutz, Jessica. “Die Buchbestände von Wöltingerode: ein Zisterzienserinnenkloster im Kontext der spätmittelalterlichen Reformbewegungen.” PhD diss. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2012.

Kurschus, Stephanie. “European Book Cultures: Diversity as a Challenge.” PhD diss., Universität, Mainz, 2013.

Kwan, Kimberly. “Conservation of a Previously Rebacked 16th Century Binding.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

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Lange, Stefanie. “Enhanced E-Books: eine empirische Studie zum immersiven Erleben.” PhD diss., Universitat Göttingen. 2019.

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Lautman, Sara. “Sara R. Lautman Memorial Library.” Master’s thesis, Maryland Institute College of Art–Baltimore, 2015.

Lawrence, Sarah E. “Investigating Digital Publishing Trends within the Consumer Magazine Industry.” Master’s thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2014.

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Lewis, Aaron D. “The Future of Printed Books in the United States and the Expansion of Digitization.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Li, Jingyi. “Developing Copyright Exceptions to Facilitate Access to Copyright Works for People with a Print Disability.” PhD diss., Macquarie University, 2017.

Li, Ruiji. “Book Illustration: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. Master’s thesis, Maryland Institute College of Art–Baltimore, 2015.

Li, Zhen. “Digital Magazine: Challenge and Opportunities.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2012.

Liebich, Susann. “Connected Readers: Reading Practices and Communities across the British Empire, c. 1890-1930.”  PhD diss., Victoria University of Wellington, 2012.

Liebrenz, Boris. “Die Rifa`iya aus Damaskus eine Privatbibliothek im osmanischen Syrien und ihr kulturelles Umfeld.” PhD diss., Universität Leipzig, 2013.

Lim, Peng Han. “An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Development of Malay Secondary Schools and Malay Secondary School Libraries within the Multilingual School System during Colonial and Post Colonial Rule in Singapore, 1819-1985.” PhD diss., Loughborough University, 2011.

Lindsay, Christy. “Reading Associations in England and Scotland, c. 1760-1830.” PhD diss., University of Oxford, 2016.

Linklater, Emma. “Equal Treatment as a Principle to Guide the Regulation of Intangibly Transferred Content: A Case Study on e-Books Using the Examples of Copyright Exhaustion, Reduced Rates of VAT and Fixed Book Pricing.” PhD diss., European University Institute (LAW), 2015.

Liu, Shiyang. “New Digital Publishing Mode in China: An Overview of Mobile and Application Publishing Operations.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2019.

Liu, Yumin. “19th Century Japanese Woodblock-Printed Illustrated Books : Central Saint Martins Art and Design Archive.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

Lötscher, Christine. “Das Zauberbuch als Denkfigur: Lektüre, Medien und Wissen in zeitgenössischen Fantasy-Romanen für Jugendliche.” PhD diss., Universiẗat Zürich, 2014.

Lu, Ting. “Magazine: New World Order.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2013.

Luce, Genevieve. “The Importance of Curation in Publishing.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2019.

Luther, Amy Victoria. “Men Reading Fiction: A Study of the Relationship between Reader, (Con)Text, Consumption and Gender Identity.” PhD diss., Cardiff University, 2010.

Lyles, Christopher. “An Arctic Journey: The Creation of a Wordless Picture Book.” Master’s thesis, 2014.

Lyons, Siobhan. “Literary Celebrity from Romanticism to the Twenty-First Century.” PhD diss., Macquarie University, 2017.

MacDonald, Meaghan Breanne. “Revenue Generation for Thought-Leader Publications: Monetizing Quality Content in Integrated Advertising Sales.” Master’s thesis, Simon Fraser University, 2012.

Magnin, Lisa. “Manga per tablet [CV]: una guida per la progettazione.” Bachelor’s thesis, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana, 2012.

Magudulela, Winile Mirriam Veronica. “What Is the Role of Publishing Industry in Supporting and Promoting IsiZulu Fiction?” Master’s thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, 2014.

Maguire, Ryan Hughes. “Make a Difference — Make a Living — Make Illustrations.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Mahling, Marina. “Lesepraxis von Kindern und Jugendlichen die Bedeutung von Familie, Schule und Peers für die Beschaffung und Nutzung von Lesestoffen.” PhD diss., Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2014.

Makarevich, Tatiana. “The In-Depth Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges of Lifestyle Magazines.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2013.

Malaspina, Matilde. “15th-Century Printed Italian Editions of Aesopian Texts: Catalogue and Analysis of the Textual and Iconographic Transmission within the 15cBOOKTRADE Project.” PhD diss., University of Oxford, 2018.

Malfitano, Sonia E. “The Function of Adolescent Romance: An Analysis of Sweet Valley High.” Master’s thesis, York University, 2010.

Malhotra, Ashok. “Making British Indian Fictions 1772-1823.” PhD diss., University of Edinburgh, 2010.

Malkin, Kathleen. “Reading through Touch: Conservation of Three Pieces of Embossed Literature for the Blind from the Royal National Institute of Blind People Archive.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2015.

Mandel, Jessica. “The Future of Book Publishing: Technology and the Potential to Thrive in a Changing Industry.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2014.

Mandhwani, Aakriti. “Everyday Reading: Commercial Magazines and Book Publishing in Post-Independence India.” PhD diss., University of London, 2018.

Manganaro, Caroline. “The Commemoration of a Fleeting Spiritual Space: Civic Identity in the Fiestas de La S. Iglesia de Sevilla.” Master’s thesis, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2011.

Mann, Annika. “Reading Contagion: The Hazards of Reading in the Age of Print.” PhD diss., Indiana University, 2011.

Mann, Ja’Mee. “A Business Plan for a Digital Book Publisher: Dalaughn Publishing.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2016.

Mann, Rachel. “Behn, Barker and the Virgin: Print and Manuscript Culture in Restoration England.” Master’s thesis, San Francisco State University, 2011.

Manoogian, Sylva N. “The Calouste Gulbenkian Library, Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 1925-1990: An Historical Portrait of a Monastic and Lay Community Intellectual Resource Center.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2013.

Manrique Figueroa. “Cultural Trade between the Southern Netherlands and New Spain: A History of Transatlantic Book Circuits and Book Consumption in the Early Modern Age.” PhD diss., University of Leuven, 2012.

Mansfield, Alexander Paul. “Visual Media Editing Using Scene Understanding.” PhD diss., Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zürich, 2014.

Mansfield, Jessica. “’A Pocket Cathedral’: The Architectural Ornamentation of the Kelmscott Chaucer.” Master’s thesis, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2016.

Marron, Brianna. “Everybody Calm Down: An Analytical Look at Technology and the Book Publishing Industry’s History, Current State, and Where It’s Going in the Future.” Master’s thesis, Pace University 2011.

Martí, José. “Emplazamiento de producto en bestsellers literarios: efectos de la familiaridad con la marca, la repeticién y la congruencia sobre la memoria de los lectores.” PhD diss., Universitat de València, 2015.

Martinenko, Alicia. “Publishing Solutions for American Higher Education.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2014.

Massá Valdés, Juan Batista. “Análisis documental de las encuadernaciones artísticas del siglo XIX de la Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia.” PhD diss., Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015.

Matteau, Rachel. “Real and Imagined Readers: Censorship, Publishing and Reading under Apartheid.” PhD diss., University of the Witwatersrand, 2012.

Matthews, Anya. “Bibliotecture: The Design of the Seventeenth Century English Library.” Master’s thesis, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2011.

Maxwell, Timothy. “Survival and Progression: The Magazine Publishing Industry in the Age of Digital Media.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2012.

Maye-Hemmings, Cecille Inez. “Early Reading Books and Jamaican Identity: Re-Visiting a Postcolonial Perspective.” Master’s thesis, University of the West Indies, 2017.

Mayes, Troy. “A New Storytelling Era: Digital Work and Professional Identity in the North American Comic Book Industry.” PhD diss., University of Adelaide, 2016.

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McGarrigle, Meghan. “Magazines: A Changing Time.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

McGivern, Hannah. “A Deferred Dialogue: Giorgio de Chirico’s ‘illumination’ of Guillaume Apollinaire’s ‘Calligrammes’ (1930). Master’s thesis, University of London (Courtauld Institute of Art), 2012.

McGlade, Clare. “Children’s e-Books and Apps in 2011: How HarperCollins Children’s Books Is Publishing in the New Digital Era.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

McKenzie, John. “Will Direct-to-Consumer Sales Be a New Revenue Channel and Marketing Opportunity for Trade Publishers?” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2014.

McNulty, Eileen M. “Evolution and Future of Intellectual Property and the Artist in the Digital Economy.” Master’s thesis, University of Baltimore, 2011.

Md. Zaki Md. Ghazali. “Minat membaca dalam kalangan guru pelatih tahun dua Fakulti Pendidikan UTM Skudai.” Master’s thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2010.

Medina, Silvio. “Fanfiction: A Social and Literary Phenomenon That Redefines the Landscape of Online Publishing and Fiction.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2017.

Megahan, John. “An Exploration of Lighting and Color: Its Use in Creating Atmosphere and Emotion.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2015.

Mejia, Mayra. “The Next Trend in Digital Publishing: Shorter Books for Mobile Phone.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2016.

Méndez Márquez, Luis E. “Conferencias caribeñas: repositorio digital de las conferencias del Instituto de Estudios del Caribe, Universidad de Puerto Rico. Master’s thesis, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2011.

Menegol Cáceres, Alejandra. “Jacques Lacan Read through the Looking Glass: Reflections of Subjects, Self and Desire in Lewis Carroll’s Alice.” Master’s thesis, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2010.

Menold, Alyssa. “Starting Points.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2016.

Menth, Rachel. “Digital Textbooks: Meeting Professors and Students’ Needs.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2012.

Mercurio, Jeremiah Romano. “Fantasy as a Mode in British and Irish Literary Decadence, 1885-1925.” PhD diss., University of St Andrews, 2011.

Merz, Jennifer J. “The Art of Collage in Children’s Book Illustration.” Master’s thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, 2013.

Mhlana, Siphe. “Development of IsiXhosa Text-to-Speech Modules to Support e-Services in Marginalized Rural Areas.” Master’s thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2011.

Middleton, Charlotte. “Institutions and Anthropodermic Bibliopegy: Considering How Libraries, Archives and Museums Deal with Books Which Are Bound in Human Skin.” Master’s thesis, University College London, 2014.

Miller Brown, Kimberly. “Digital Piracy: Struggles and Solutions for Book Publishers.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2012.

Mlondo, Zanele Witnes. “Ucwaningo lokuhlola ukufundiswa kokufunda okubhaliwe ebangeni leshumi esiZulwini ulimi lokuqala lokwengeza esikoleni esisesifundeni sase Pinetown.” Master’s thesis, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2015.

Mojica Tirado, Evelynsiri. “El Maratón Puertorriqueño de Lectura y sus implicaciones en la promoción de la lectura en Puerto Rico.” Master’s thesis, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2017.

Montgomery, John Warwick. “The Libraries of France at the Ascendancy of Mazarin: Louis Jacob’s Traicte Des plus Belles Bibliotheques: Part Two in English Translation, with Introduction and Notes.” PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2015.

Morgan, Tara. “Inventing the Biblioverse: A Thesis in English.” Master’s thesis, State University College at Buffalo, 2011.

Morrow, Caitlin. “Operation Middleman: The Literary Agent’s Challenge to Evolve and Remain Significant in the Digital Age.” Master’s thesis, Pace University 2015.

Moynihan, Dan. “’What If …?’: Exploring New Worlds through Illustrated Stories.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2015.

Mroziewicz, Karolina Anna. “Imprinting Identities” Illustrated Latin-Language Histories of St. Stephen’s Kingdom (1488-1700).” PhD diss., University of Warsaw, 2014.

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Müller, Jan Patrick. “Literaturmarkt, Schreiben und Publizieren im Prosawerk Karl Herlossohns (1802-1849).” PhD diss., Freie Universität Berlin, 2014.

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Munikwa, Chiedza Pamela. “Awareness and Use of Open Access Resources by Researchers of the University of Zululand.” Master’s thesis, University of Zululand, 2018.

Muñiz Enríquez, Francisco. “Identity Construction among Avid Puerto Rican Readers of Fiction in English: Its Implications for Education.” Ed diss., Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2018.

Murgo, Lisa. “The Heros’ [sic] Quest Illustrated.” Master’s thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, 2011.

Murphy, Scott. “Depicting Adventure: The Tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser and ‘Badru and the Beanstalk.’” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2014.

Murray, Erin V. “Transformational Volvelles: Preserving Damaged Elements of The Surprise Picture Book.” Master’s thesis, Camberwell College of Arts, 2016.

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Muszynski, Julie. “The Designer-Illustrator: The 1950s Hybrid.” Master’s thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, 2013.

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Nappi, Melissa E. “The Future of the Literary Agent in an Increasingly Digital Age.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2016.

Nashwalder, Karen. “The Role of Public Libraries in Delivering Local Studies Services, with a Case Study of Wiltshire.” Master’s thesis, Aberystwyth University, 2013.

Neff, Carrie. “Cause and Effect: The History and Results of Controversy in 19th and 20th Century Children’s Fiction.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2010.

Neumann, Jessica.. “The Emergence of Digital Course Materials in Higher Education and Their Effectiveness in Teaching and Engaging Students.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2018.

Nguyen, Christine. “Magazine: How Magazines Are Powered by Print and Enhanced by Digital.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2016.

Nic an Bhaird, Máire. “Cleachtadh na cinsireachta, próiseas na heagarthóireachta agus lucht létheoireachta na Gaeilge á 1922 go 1972.” PhD diss., University College Dublin, 2012.

Nichols, Matthew. “The Urban Messenger: The Growth of the St. Louis Public Library, 1870-1930.” Master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2014.

Nilsen, Andrew J. “DJ Squatch Lets the Beat Drop.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2014.

Ninkov, Anton. “A Multivariate Analysis of the Human Factors and Preferences toward Digital Publishing Platforms for the IPad.” Master’s thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2014.

Noury, Christine. “Business-to-Business Publishing: Impending Trends in Digital and Print.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2014.  

Nunez, Ricardo. “Species, Clement Von Burden Chronicles.” Master’s thesis, Maryland Institute College of Art–Baltimore, 2016.

Nur Amira Pang Abdullah. “Language Use and Gender Representation in Children’s Picture Books by Malaysian Authors.” Master’s thesis, Universiti Malaya, 2015.

Nurhafiza Hamzah. “Penerimaan E-Buku Agama Sebagai Medium Dakwah Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Dan Pensyarah Universiti Tun Hussein.” Master’s thesis, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016.

O’Bannion, Colette Marie. “Naughty or Not?: Exploring Controversial Content and Core Universal Themes in Contemporary Young Adult Literature.” PhD diss., Chapman University, 2010.

O’Brien, Maureen. “Children’s Picture Book Based on a Song: ‘Leapin’ Lizards’ Written by Lu Ann Fenton (1964).” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

O’Brien, Patrick D. “Ethereal: A True Comic about Timeless Love in the Modern Era.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2016.

O’Connell, Matthew. “Disposable Books: The Decline of the Mass Market Industry.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

O’Rourke, Ryan. “Project 1: Bella’s Day Out; Project 2: The Tale of Captain Alfred Bulltop Stormalong.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2012.

Orehek, Anja. “Eco o Ecu: diplomsko delo.” PhD diss., Univ. v Ljubljani, 2016.

Orgelmann, Lutz. “Die rechtlichen Grenzen der Nutzung von E-Books eine vergleichende Untersuchung aus Sicht des Verbrauchers unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten des Kulturguts Buch.” PhD diss., Universität Bremen, 2016.

Orr, Dallin. “Fritz Haber: A Promethean Tragedy.” Master’s thesis, University of Hartford, 2019.

Ortiz, Kathleen. “Agent 4.0: Literary Agent in a Digital World.” Master’s thesis, Pace University, 2011.

Ottermann, Annelen. “Die Mainzer Karmelitenbibliothek: Spurensuche – Spurensicherung – Spurendeutung.” PhD diss., Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2016.

Ottowitz, Taciana Valio. “Bilderbuchillustration in den 60er und 70er Jahren in der Bundesrepublik und Parallelen zur Kunstszene.” PhD diss., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2015.

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Palmiste, Clara. “L’ organisation du commerce du livre à Séville au XVIIIe siècle (1680-1755): imprimeurs, libraires et marchands de livres espagnols et ètrangers à Séville.” PhD diss., Inst. Universit́e Européen, 2012.  

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Park, HyeJeong. “Symbolism in Illustration.” Master’s thesis, Fashion Institute of Technology, 2012.

Pascoe, Stephen. “Illustration in a Culture of Vulnerability.” Master’s thesis, Monash University, 2012.

Paterson, Alexandra. “Keats as a Reader.”  Master’s thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2010.

Pazar, Emily C. “The Progress of the Art: Paper Marbling in the United States, 1880-1950.” Master’s thesis, University of Delaware, 2016.

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Peters, Judith Freda Josephine. “Status of the Author and the Generation of Meaning.” PhD diss., University of South Africa, 2015.

Phillips, Amy Criniti. “Private Reader, Public Redactor: Narrative Strategies of the Nineteenth-Century Female Revisionist.” PhD diss., Duquesne University, 2011.

Philpot, Margaret Elizabeth. “Don Quixote and His God: Replacing the Divine in the Modern World.” Master’s thesis, University of Dallas, 2011.

Piernik, Miquel. “The Young Adult Attraction to Dystopian Literature: A Thesis in English.” Master’s thesis, State University College at Buffalo, 2011.

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